On this page you will be able to find all the resources, produced within the School’s Out project.

Gathering data of good practices in Europe on LGBTI teacher training and inclusive school policies; country policies, good practices and recommendations

National Report Italy
Gathering data of good practices in Europe on LGBTI teacher training and inclusive school policies; country policies, good practices and recommendations

National Report Belgium
Gathering data of good practices in Europe on LGBTI teacher training and inclusive school policies; country policies, good practices and recommendations

National Report Portugal
Gathering data of good practices in Europe on LGBTI teacher training and inclusive school policies; country policies, good practices and recommendations

English Poster
for schools that took part of the inclusive school cycle programme
(A3 Printable Format)

Dutch Poster
for schools that took part of the inclusive school cycle programme
(A3 Printable Format)

Italian Poster
for schools that took part of the inclusive school cycle programme
(A3 Printable Format)

Bulgarian Poster
for schools that took part of the inclusive school cycle programme
(A3 Printable Format)

Portuguese Poster
for schools that took part of the inclusive school cycle programme
(A3 Printable Format)